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 ( 2025)은 님이  음악 감독 Anthony Van Laast 하고 주연 한  영화입니다  Kate Bush, Peter GabrielIn a social dramatic context, the events of the series revolve around the issue of marital infidelity and the secrets of the human soul through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee in one of the departments), where the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her husband, an interior designer, especially after she accused him of betrayal, with the intertwined relationships between all parties.

등급 : 3945 사용자가

출시 : Dec 28, 1979

런타임 :   min.

장르 : Drama

별 : Saba Mubarak, Injy Al Moqaddem, Mohamed Alaa, Ahmed Ghozzi, Haidy Karam, Tamim Abdo, Ahmed Abd El Wahab, Aida Fahmy, Ahmed Gamal Saeed, Saleh Abd El Nabi, Lobna Wanas

감독 : Anthony Van Laast


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